看过基础篇的都知道,graphql创建schema有两种方式,schema first和graph type,前者使用graphql schema language类似于ef的db first;后者和ef 的code first相似。使用graphql请求流程大致如下图所示,今天我就用graph type通过控制台程序简单的介绍下大致使用过程:




 1     /// <summary>
 2     /// 自定义客户类
 3     /// </summary>
 4     [table("t_customer")]
 5     public partial class customerentity
 6     {
 7         public customerentity()
 8         {
10         } 
11         /// <summary>
12         /// 主键guid
13         /// </summary>
14         public string guid { get; set; }
15         /// <summary>
16         /// 中文性
17         /// </summary> 
18         [required, column("code_cn", typename = constants.nvarchar255)]
19         public string code_cn { get; set; }
20         /// <summary>
21         /// 中文名
22         /// </summary>
23         [required, column("name_cn", typename = constants.nvarchar255)]
24         public string name_cn { get; set; }
25         /// <summary>
26         /// 英文性
27         /// </summary>
28         [required, column("code_en", typename = constants.nvarchar255)]
29         public string code_en { get; set; }
30         /// <summary>
31         /// 英文名
32         /// </summary>
33         [required, column("name_en", typename = constants.nvarchar255)]
34         public string name_en { get; set; }
35         //中文姓,中文名,英文姓,英文名,性别,生日,默认出票方式,国籍,电子邮箱,工作单位,备注
37         /// <summary>
38         /// 性别
39         /// </summary>
40         [required, column("sex", typename = constants.nvarchar255)]
41         public string sex { get; set; }
42         /// <summary>
43         /// 生日
44         /// </summary>
45         [required, column("birthday", typename = constants.nvarchar255)]
46         public string birthday { get; set; }
47         /// <summary>
48         /// 出票方式
49         /// </summary>
50         [required, column("drawerway", typename = constants.nvarchar255)]
51         public string drawerway { get; set; }
52         /// <summary>
53         /// 国籍
54         /// </summary>
55         [required, column("country", typename = constants.nvarchar255)]
56         public string country { get; set; }
57         /// <summary>
58         /// 电子邮箱
59         /// </summary>
60         [required, column("email", typename = constants.nvarchar255)]
61         public string email { get; set; }
62         /// <summary>
63         /// 工作单位
64         /// </summary>
65         [required, column("workunit", typename = constants.nvarchar255)]
66         public string workunit { get; set; }
67         /// <summary>
68         /// 备注
69         /// </summary>
70         [required, column("remark", typename = constants.text)]
71         public string remark { get; set; }
72     }



 1     /// <summary>
 2     /// graphql的数据模型:继承自objectgraphtype,并传递范型customerentity
 3     /// </summary>
 4     public class customerentitytype : objectgraphtype<customerentity>
 5     {
 6         //在构造函数中,对属性作影射
 7         public customerentitytype()
 8         {
 9             name = "customers";
10             field(x => x.guid);
11             field(x=>x.birthday);
12             field(x => x.code_cn);
13             field(x => x.code_en);
14             field(x => x.country);
15             field(x => x.drawerway);
16             field(x => x.email);
17             field(x => x.name_cn);
18             field(x => x.name_en);
19             field(x => x.remark);
20             field(x => x.sex);
21             field(x => x.workunit);
22             field<listgraphtype<customerentitytype>>("customers");
23         }
25     }


在这里我在啰嗦一遍graphql的操作包括 query(select), mutation (create,update,delete),subscription (订阅),在这里我把所有请求查询的字段映射到了customerrepository的调用上。

 1     public class customerrepository : icustomerrepository
 2     {
 3         //public list<customerentity> customerslist { get; set; }
 4         public ienumerable<customerentity> getall()
 5         {
 6             var jack = new customerentity
 7             {
 8                 guid = guid.newguid().tostring(),
 9                 code_cn = "张",
10                 name_cn = "三",
11                 code_en = "jack",
12                 name_en = "jack-jie",
13                 sex = "男"
14             };
15             var lx = new customerentity
16             {
17                 guid = guid.newguid().tostring(),
18                 code_cn = "李",
19                 name_cn = "五",
20                 code_en = "lx",
21                 name_en = "lx-jie",
22                 sex = "男"
23             };
24             var wz = new customerentity
25             {
26                 guid = guid.newguid().tostring(),
27                 code_cn = "王",
28                 name_cn = "三",
29                 code_en = "wz",
30                 name_en = "wz-jie",
31                 sex = "女"
32             };
34             var query = new list<customerentity> { jack, lx, wz };
35             return query;
36         }
37         public customerentity getbyid(string guid)
38         {
39             return getall().firstordefault(x=>x.guid == guid);
40         }
41     }


  1     /// <summary>
2     /// graphql查询
3     /// </summary>
4     public class queryaction : objectgraphtype
5     { 
6         ienumerable<customerentity> customers = null;
7         icustomerrepository repository = new customerrepository();
9         public queryaction()
10         {
11             field<listgraphtype<customerentitytype>>(//在构造函数中定义查询操作
12                 name: "customers", //注意这个名字,后边查询的时候需要对应
13                 arguments: new queryarguments //定义查询参数
14                 {
15                      new queryargument<stringgraphtype>
16                     {
17                         name = "guid",
18                         description = "the guid for the customerentity"
19                     },
20                     new queryargument<stringgraphtype>
21                     {
22                         name = "birthday",
23                         description = "the birthday for the customerentity"
24                     },
25                     new queryargument<stringgraphtype>
26                     {
27                         name = "code_cn",
28                         description = "the code_cn for the customerentity"
29                     },
30                     new queryargument<stringgraphtype>
31                     {
32                         name = "code_en",
33                         description = "the code_en for customerentity"
34                     },
35                     new queryargument<stringgraphtype>
36                     {
37                         name = "country",
38                         description = "the country for customerentity"
39                     },
40                     new queryargument<stringgraphtype>
41                     {
42                         name = "drawerway",
43                         description = "the drawerway for customerentity"
44                     },
45                     new queryargument<stringgraphtype>
46                     {
47                         name = "email",
48                         description = "the email for customerentity"
49                     },
50                     new queryargument<stringgraphtype>
51                     {
52                         name = "name_cn",
53                         description = "the name_cn for customerentity"
54                     },
55                     new queryargument<stringgraphtype>
56                     {
57                         name = "name_en",
58                         description = "the name_en for customerentity"
59                     },
60                     new queryargument<stringgraphtype>
61                     {
62                         name = "remark",
63                         description = "the remark for customerentity"
64                     },
65                     new queryargument<stringgraphtype>
66                     {
67                         name = "sex",
68                         description = "the sex for customerentity"
69                     },
70                     new queryargument<stringgraphtype>
71                     {
72                         name = "workunit",
73                         description = "the workunit for customerentity"
74                     }
75                 },
76                 resolve: context =>// 定义查询操作的执行
77                 {
78                     var customercontext = context.usercontext;// 获取上下文,可在此作用户验证操作
79                     customers = repository.getall();
80                     var guid = context.getargument<string>("guid");
81                     customers = customers.where(u => guid == null || u.birthday == guid);
82                     var birthday = context.getargument<string>("birthday");
83                     customers = customers.where(u => birthday == null || u.birthday == birthday);
84                     var code_cn = context.getargument<string>("code_cn");
85                     customers = customers.where(u => code_cn == null || u.code_cn == code_cn);
86                     var code_en = context.getargument<string>("code_en");
87                     customers = customers.where(u => code_en == null || u.code_en == code_en);
88                     var country = context.getargument<string>("country");
89                     customers = customers.where(u => country == null || u.country == country);
90                     var drawerway = context.getargument<string>("drawerway");
91                     customers = customers.where(u => drawerway == null || u.drawerway == drawerway);
92                     var email = context.getargument<string>("email");
93                     customers = customers.where(u => email == null || u.email == email);
94                     var name_cn = context.getargument<string>("name_cn");
95                     customers = customers.where(u => name_cn == null || u.name_cn == name_cn);
96                     var name_en = context.getargument<string>("name_en");
97                     customers = customers.where(u => name_en == null || u.name_en == name_en);
98                     var remark = context.getargument<string>("remark");
99                     customers = customers.where(u => remark == null || u.remark == remark);
100                     var sex = context.getargument<string>("sex");
101                     customers = customers.where(u => sex == null || u.sex == sex);
102                     var workunit = context.getargument<string>("workunit");
103                     customers = customers.where(u => workunit == null || u.workunit == workunit);
105                     return customers;
106                 });
108             field<customerentitytype>(
109                name: "addcustomer", //注意这个名字,后边查询的时候需要对应
110                arguments: new queryarguments //定义查询参数
111                {
112                     new queryargument<stringgraphtype>
113                     {
114                         name = "guid",
115                         description = "the guid for the customerentity"
116                     },
117                     new queryargument<stringgraphtype>
118                     {
119                         name = "birthday",
120                         description = "the birthday for the customerentity"
121                     },
122                     new queryargument<stringgraphtype>
123                     {
124                         name = "code_cn",
125                         description = "the code_cn for the customerentity"
126                     },
127                     new queryargument<stringgraphtype>
128                     {
129                         name = "code_en",
130                         description = "the code_en for customerentity"
131                     },
132                     new queryargument<stringgraphtype>
133                     {
134                         name = "country",
135                         description = "the country for customerentity"
136                     },
137                     new queryargument<stringgraphtype>
138                     {
139                         name = "drawerway",
140                         description = "the drawerway for customerentity"
141                     },
142                     new queryargument<stringgraphtype>
143                     {
144                         name = "email",
145                         description = "the email for customerentity"
146                     },
147                     new queryargument<stringgraphtype>
148                     {
149                         name = "name_cn",
150                         description = "the name_cn for customerentity"
151                     },
152                     new queryargument<stringgraphtype>
153                     {
154                         name = "name_en",
155                         description = "the name_en for customerentity"
156                     },
157                     new queryargument<stringgraphtype>
158                     {
159                         name = "remark",
160                         description = "the remark for customerentity"
161                     },
162                     new queryargument<stringgraphtype>
163                     {
164                         name = "sex",
165                         description = "the sex for customerentity"
166                     },
167                     new queryargument<stringgraphtype>
168                     {
169                         name = "workunit",
170                         description = "the workunit for customerentity"
171                     }
172                },
173                resolve: context =>// 定义查询操作的执行
174                 { 
175                     string guid = context.getargument<string>("guid");
176                     return repository.getbyid(guid);
177                 });
178         }
179     }


 1     /// <summary>
2     /// graphql修改更新
3     /// </summary>
4     public class mutationaction : objectgraphtype
5     {
6         private icustomerrepository _repository = new customerrepository();
7         ienumerable<customerentity> customers = null;
9         public mutationaction()
10         {
11             field<stringgraphtype>(
12                "run", 
13                arguments: new queryarguments(new queryargument<customerentitytype> { name = "customer" }),
14                resolve: ctx => ctx.getargument<customerentity>("customer").guid);
15         }
16     }



1   public class graphschema : schema
2     {
3         public graphschema()
4         {
5             query = new queryaction();
6             mutation = new mutationaction();
7         }
8     }



1    public async void querycustomers(string code_cn, string code_en)
2         {
3             var querystr = @"{customers(code_cn:" + code_cn + ",code_en:" + "\"" + code_en + "\"" + "){code_cn code_en name_cn name_en}}";
4             var result = await execute.executeaction(new graphqlquery { query = querystr, customerentitycontext = "add customer" });
5             var data = result.data;
6             assert.isnull(result.errors?.count);
7         }



 1         public async void createcustomer(string code_cn, string code_en)
2         {
3             var querystr = @"{query: mutation ($customer: userinput!){addcustomer($customer:$customer){code_cn code_en name_cn name_en}},variables:{customer:{code_cn: " + code_cn + @",code_en:" + code_en + @"}}}";
5             var query = new graphqlquery
6             {
7                 query = "mutation ($customer: userinput!){addcustomer(customer:$customer){code_cn code_en name_cn name_en}}",
8                 variables = jobject.parse("{customer:{\"code_cn\": \"" + code_cn + "\",\"code_en\":" + code_en + "}}")
9             };
10             var result = await execute.executeaction(query);
11             assert.isnull(result.errors.count);
12         }
