  • 1 任务需求
  • 2 代码实现
    • 2.1 基本思路
    • 2.3 结果展示
  • 总结

    1 任务需求



      在这里,我们用到了四色定理(four color theorem),又称四色地图定理(four color map theorem):如果在平面上存在一些邻接的有限区域,则至多仅用四种颜色来给这些不同的区域染色,就可以使得每两个邻接区域染的颜色都不一样。

    2 代码实现


    2.1 基本思路



    定义“规则”。“规则”用以将区域之间的空间连接情况转换为遗传算法可以识别的信息;被“规则”连接的两个区域在空间中是相邻的。定义区域空间连接情况检查所需函数。这些函数用于检查两两区域之间的连接性是否满足逻辑;例如,若在“规则”中显示区域a与区域b连接,那么区域b也必须在“规则”中显示与区域a连接。定义个体基因型。其中,各个体具有78个基因,每一个基因表示一个区域的颜色。个体更替与最优基因选择。通过个体的不断更迭,选择出满足“规则”要求的个体基因型。基因型解释。将得到的个体基因型进行解释,相当于第一步的反过程,即将基因信息转换为空间连接情况。结果检查。检查所得到的颜色与最优个体基因组中的各个基因是否一致。 2.2 代码讲解


    # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
    created on sun oct 31 19:22:33 2021
    @author: chutj
    import genetic
    import unittest
    import datetime
    from libpysal.weights import queen
    # 定义“规则”,用以将区域之间的空间连接情况转换为遗传算法可以识别的信息。被“规则”连接的两个区域在空间中是相邻的
    class rule:
        item = none
        other = none
        stringified = none
        def __init__(self, item, other, stringified):
            self.item = item
            self.other = other
            self.stringified = stringified
        def __eq__(self, another):
            return hasattr(another, 'item') and \
                   hasattr(another, 'other') and \
                   self.item == another.item and \
                   self.other == another.other
        def __hash__(self):
            return hash(self.item) * 397 ^ hash(self.other)
        def __str__(self):
            return self.stringified
    # 定义区域空间连接情况检查所需函数,用以确保区域两两之间相邻情况的准确
    def buildlookup(items):
        itemtoindex = {}
        index = 0
        for key in sorted(items):
            itemtoindex[key] = index
            index += 1
        return itemtoindex
    def buildrules(items):
        itemtoindex = buildlookup(items.keys())
        rulesadded = {}
        rules = []
        keys = sorted(list(items.keys()))
        for key in sorted(items.keys()):
            keyindex = itemtoindex[key]
            adjacentkeys = items[key]
            for adjacentkey in adjacentkeys:
                if adjacentkey == '':
                adjacentindex = itemtoindex[adjacentkey]
                temp = keyindex
                if adjacentindex < temp:
                    temp, adjacentindex = adjacentindex, temp
                rulekey = str(keys[temp]) + "->" + str(keys[adjacentindex])
                rule = rule(temp, adjacentindex, rulekey)
                if rule in rulesadded:
                    rulesadded[rule] += 1
                    rulesadded[rule] = 1
        for k, v in rulesadded.items():
            if v == 1:
                print("rule %s is not bidirectional" % k)
        return rules
    # 定义颜色所代表的基因组
    colors = ["orange", "yellow", "green", "blue"]
    colorlookup = {}
    for color in colors:
        colorlookup[color[0]] = color
    geneset = list(colorlookup.keys())
    # 定义个体基因型,其中各个体有78个基因,每一个基因代表一个区域。个体基因需要满足“规则”中相邻的区域具有不同的颜色
    class graphcoloringtests(unittest.testcase):
        def test(self):
            rules = buildrules(one_neighbor_other)
            colors = ["orange", "yellow", "green", "blue"]
            colorlookup = {}
            for color in colors:
                colorlookup[color[0]] = color
            geneset = list(colorlookup.keys())
            optimalvalue = len(rules)
            starttime = datetime.datetime.now()
            fndisplay = lambda candidate: display(candidate, starttime)
            fngetfitness = lambda candidate: getfitness(candidate, rules)
            best = genetic.getbest(fngetfitness, fndisplay, len(one_neighbor_other), optimalvalue, geneset)
            self.assertequal(best.fitness, optimalvalue)
            keys = sorted(one_neighbor_other.keys())
            for index in range(len(one_neighbor_other)):
                print(keys[index]," is ",colorlookup[best.genes[index]])
    # 输出各区域颜色
    def display(candidate, starttime):
        timediff = datetime.datetime.now() - starttime
        print("%s\t%i\t%s" % (''.join(map(str, candidate.genes)), candidate.fitness, str(timediff)))
    # 检查各区域颜色是否与个体基因所代表的颜色一致
    def getfitness(candidate, rules):
        rulesthatpass = 0
        for rule in rules:
            if candidate[rule.item] != candidate[rule.other]:
                rulesthatpass += 1
        return rulesthatpass
    # 运行程序

    2.3 结果展示

      执行上述代码,即可得到结果。在这里值得一提的是:这个代码不知道是其自身原因,还是我电脑的问题,执行起来非常慢——单次运行时间可能在5 ~ 6个小时左右,实在太慢了;大家如果感兴趣,可以尝试着能不能将代码的效率提升一下。




