
需要实现一个类似 “城市选择器”的功能 网上基本都是用原生或者前端来实现功能 其他大概的思路都差不多 这里提供一个unity 实现的思路


这里用到了 superscrollview 这个插件 来实现功能

listtext.cs  // 核心控制类  代码写的比较随意 大概的功能已经实现,需要根据实际需要进行优化。

using superscrollview;
using system.collections;
using system.collections.generic;
using unityengine;
using unityengine.ui;
public class listtext : monobehaviour
public looplistview2 mlooplistview;
public text select_text;
public recttransform right_content;
public gameobject tag_prefab;
public string[] tags = new string[] { "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j", "k", "l", "m", "n", "o", "p", "q", "r", "s", "t", "u", "v", "w", "x", "y", "z", "#" };
public int treeviewitemcount
return mitemdatalist.count;
// start is called before the first frame update
void start()
for (int i = 0; i < tags.length; ++i)
citydata citydata = new citydata();
citydata.key = tags[i];
list<string> value = new list<string>();
value.add("item" + tags[i] + random.range(0, 6).tostring());
citydata.value = value;
int count = treeviewitemcount;
//tells mtreeitemcountmgr there are how many treeitems and every treeitem has how many childitems.
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
int childcount = getitemdatabyindex(i).childcount;
//second param "true" tells mtreeitemcountmgr this treeitem is in expand status, that is to say all its children are showing.
addtreeitem(childcount, true);
mlooplistview.initlistview(gettotalitemandchildcount(), ongetitembyindex);
public void addtreeitem(int count, bool isexpand)
keydata data = new keydata();
data.mtreeitemindex = mtreeitemdatalist.count;
data.mchildcount = count;
data.misexpand = isexpand;
misdirty = true;
public int gettotalitemandchildcount()
int count = mtreeitemdatalist.count;
if (count == 0)
return 0;
return mtreeitemdatalist[count - 1].mendindex + 1;
looplistviewitem2 ongetitembyindex(looplistview2 listview, int index)
if (index < 0)
return null;
keydata countdata = querytreeitembytotalindex(index);
if (countdata == null)
return null;
int treeitemindex = countdata.mtreeitemindex;
valuedata treeviewitemdata = getitemdatabyindex(treeitemindex);
if (countdata.ischild(index) == false)// if is a treeitem
//get a new treeitem
looplistviewitem2 item = listview.newlistviewitem("keyitem");
keyitem itemscript = item.getcomponent<keyitem>();
if (item.isinithandlercalled == false)
item.isinithandlercalled = true;
//update the treeitem's content
itemscript.mtext.text = treeviewitemdata.mname;
itemscript.setitemdata(treeitemindex, countdata.misexpand);
return item;
else // if is a treechilditem
//childindex is from 0 to childcount.
//for example, treechilditem0_0 is the 0'th child of treeitem0
//and treechilditem1_2 is the 2'th child of treeitem1
int childindex = countdata.getchildindex(index);
itemdata itemdata = treeviewitemdata.getchild(childindex);
if (itemdata == null)
return null;
//get a new treechilditem
looplistviewitem2 item = listview.newlistviewitem("valueitem");
valueitem itemscript = item.getcomponent<valueitem>();
if (item.isinithandlercalled == false)
item.isinithandlercalled = true;
//update the treechilditem's content
itemscript.setitemdata(itemdata, treeitemindex, childindex);
return item;
list<valuedata> mitemdatalist = new list<valuedata>();
int mtreeviewitemcount = 20;
int mtreeviewchilditemcount = 30;
// list<string, list<string>> keys = new list<string, list<string>>();
arraylist keys = new arraylist();
void dorefreshdatasource()
for (int i = 0; i < keys.count; i++)
valuedata tdata = new valuedata();
citydata city = keys[i] as citydata;
tdata.mname = "" + city.key;
// int childcount = random.range(0, 6);
for (int j = 0; j < city.value.count; j++)
itemdata childitemdata = new itemdata();
childitemdata.mname = "item" + city.value[j] + ":child" + j;
childitemdata.mdesc = "item desc for " + childitemdata.mname;
childitemdata.mstarcount = random.range(0, 6);
childitemdata.mfilesize = random.range(20, 999);
//for (int i = 0; i < keys.count; ++i)
// valuedata tdata = new valuedata();
// tdata.mname = "" + keys[]
// mitemdatalist.add(tdata);
// int childcount = random.range(0, 6);
public void additem()
// string key = tags[random.range(0, tags.length)];
// int itemindex = random.range(0, tags.length);
int itemindex = 0;
citydata citydata = keys[itemindex] as citydata;
citydata.value.add(citydata.key + "测试");
keys[itemindex] = citydata;
// int itemindex = 0;
int childindex = 0;
if (childindex < 0)
childindex = 0;
keydata itemcountdata = gettreeitem(itemindex);
if (itemcountdata == null)
addnewitemchildfortest(itemindex, childindex);
int childcount = itemcountdata.mchildcount;
setitemchildcount(itemindex, childcount + 1);
mlooplistview.setlistitemcount(gettotalitemandchildcount(), false);
public void setitemchildcount(int treeindex, int count)
if (treeindex < 0 || treeindex >= mtreeitemdatalist.count)
misdirty = true;
keydata data = mtreeitemdatalist[treeindex];
data.mchildcount = count;
public void addnewitemchildfortest(int itemindex, int addtobeforechildindex)
if (itemindex < 0 || itemindex >= mitemdatalist.count)
valuedata tdata = mitemdatalist[itemindex];
list<itemdata> childitemdatalist = tdata.mchilditemdatalist;
itemdata childitemdata = new itemdata();
childitemdata.mname = "item" + itemindex + ":" + addtobeforechildindex;
childitemdata.mdesc = "item desc for " + childitemdata.mname;
childitemdata.mstarcount = random.range(0, 6);
childitemdata.mfilesize = random.range(20, 999);
if (addtobeforechildindex < 0)
childitemdatalist.insert(0, childitemdata);
else if (addtobeforechildindex >= childitemdatalist.count)
childitemdatalist.insert(addtobeforechildindex, childitemdata);
public valuedata getitemdatabyindex(int index)
if (index < 0 || index >= mitemdatalist.count)
return null;
return mitemdatalist[index];
list<keydata> mtreeitemdatalist = new list<keydata>();
keydata mlastqueryresult = null;
bool misdirty = true;
public keydata querytreeitembytotalindex(int totalindex)
if (totalindex < 0)
return null;
int count = mtreeitemdatalist.count;
if (count == 0)
return null;
if (mlastqueryresult != null)
if (mlastqueryresult.mbeginindex <= totalindex && mlastqueryresult.mendindex >= totalindex)
return mlastqueryresult;
int low = 0;
int high = count - 1;
keydata data = null;
while (low <= high)
int mid = (low + high) / 2;
data = mtreeitemdatalist[mid];
if (data.mbeginindex <= totalindex && data.mendindex >= totalindex)
mlastqueryresult = data;
return data;
else if (totalindex > data.mendindex)
low = mid + 1;
high = mid - 1;
return null;
void updatealltreeitemdataindex()
if (misdirty == false)
mlastqueryresult = null;
misdirty = false;
int count = mtreeitemdatalist.count;
if (count == 0)
keydata data0 = mtreeitemdatalist[0];
data0.mbeginindex = 0;
data0.mendindex = (data0.misexpand ? data0.mchildcount : 0);
int curend = data0.mendindex;
for (int i = 1; i < count; ++i)
keydata data = mtreeitemdatalist[i];
data.mbeginindex = curend + 1;
data.mendindex = data.mbeginindex + (data.misexpand ? data.mchildcount : 0);
curend = data.mendindex;
public keydata gettreeitem(int treeindex)
if (treeindex < 0 || treeindex >= mtreeitemdatalist.count)
return null;
return mtreeitemdatalist[treeindex];
public void onjumpbtnclicked(int itemindex)
// int itemindex = 0;
int childindex = 0;
int finalindex = 0;
if (childindex < 0)
childindex = 0;
keydata itemcountdata = gettreeitem(itemindex);
if (itemcountdata == null)
int childcount = itemcountdata.mchildcount;
if (itemcountdata.misexpand == false || childcount == 0 || childindex == 0)
finalindex = itemcountdata.mbeginindex;
if (childindex > childcount)
childindex = childcount;
if (childindex < 1)
childindex = 1;
finalindex = itemcountdata.mbeginindex + childindex;
mlooplistview.movepaneltoitemindex(finalindex, 0);
public void init()
int index = 0;
foreach (string value in tags)
gameobject go = instantiate(tag_prefab, right_content);
go.name = "tag-" + value;
tag_item tag_item = go.getcomponent<tag_item>();
tag_item.select_text = select_text;
tag_item.index = index;
tag_item.keystr = value;
tag_item.listtext = this;
index += 1;
public class citydata
public string key;
public list<string> value;

这里提供 源码下载  unity版本2019.4.6 低版本也可以打开
