
rabbitmq 想必大家都有了解,不做多介绍来。这里实现的是用 rabbitmq 作为 larvel 队列的驱动,替代 redis。下面以 laradock 中安装示例。


  1. 切换到 laradock 目录,将 .env 中关于 install_amqp 的值修改为 true
  2. docker-compose stop workspace php-fpm php-worker
  3. docker-compose build workspace php-fpm php-worker rabbitmq
  4. docker-compose up -d workspace php-fpm php-worker rabbitmq


  1. 进入到 workspace 容器中,在项目目录安装扩展包 composer require vladimir-yuldashev/laravel-queue-rabbitmq
  2. 接下来在 config/queue.php 文件中 connections 添加 rabbitmq 配置,根据情况自行修改
'rabbitmq' => [

  'driver' => 'rabbitmq',

   * set to "horizon" if you wish to use laravel horizon.
  'worker' => env('rabbitmq_worker', 'default'),

  'dsn' => env('rabbitmq_dsn', null),

   * could be one a class that implements \interop\amqp\amqpconnectionfactory for example:
   * - \enqueueamqpext\amqpconnectionfactory if you install enqueue/amqp-ext
   * - \enqueueamqplib\amqpconnectionfactory if you install enqueue/amqp-lib
   * - \enqueueamqpbunny\amqpconnectionfactory if you install enqueue/amqp-bunny

  'factory_class' => enqueue\amqplib\amqpconnectionfactory::class,

  'host' => env('rabbitmq_host', ''),
  'port' => env('rabbitmq_port', 5672),

  'vhost' => env('rabbitmq_vhost', '/'),
  'login' => env('rabbitmq_login', 'guest'),
  'password' => env('rabbitmq_password', 'guest'),

  'queue' => env('rabbitmq_queue', 'default'),

  'options' => [

    'exchange' => [

      'name' => env('rabbitmq_exchange_name'),

       * determine if exchange should be created if it does not exist.

      'declare' => env('rabbitmq_exchange_declare', true),

       * read more about possible values at https://www.rabbitmq.com/tutorials/amqp-concepts.html

      'type' => env('rabbitmq_exchange_type', \interop\amqp\amqptopic::type_direct),
      'passive' => env('rabbitmq_exchange_passive', false),
      'durable' => env('rabbitmq_exchange_durable', true),
      'auto_delete' => env('rabbitmq_exchange_autodelete', false),
      'arguments' => env('rabbitmq_exchange_arguments'),

    'queue' => [

       * determine if queue should be created if it does not exist.

      'declare' => env('rabbitmq_queue_declare', true),

       * determine if queue should be binded to the exchange created.

      'bind' => env('rabbitmq_queue_declare_bind', true),

       * read more about possible values at https://www.rabbitmq.com/tutorials/amqp-concepts.html

      'passive' => env('rabbitmq_queue_passive', false),
      'durable' => env('rabbitmq_queue_durable', true),
      'exclusive' => env('rabbitmq_queue_exclusive', false),
      'auto_delete' => env('rabbitmq_queue_autodelete', false),
      'arguments' => env('rabbitmq_queue_arguments'),

   * determine the number of seconds to sleep if there's an error communicating with rabbitmq
   * if set to false, it'll throw an exception rather than doing the sleep for x seconds.

  'sleep_on_error' => env('rabbitmq_error_sleep', 5),

   * optional ssl params if an ssl connection is used
   * using an ssl connection will also require to configure your rabbitmq to enable ssl. more details can be founds here: https://www.rabbitmq.com/ssl.html

  'ssl_params' => [
    'ssl_on' => env('rabbitmq_ssl', false),
    'cafile' => env('rabbitmq_ssl_cafile', null),
    'local_cert' => env('rabbitmq_ssl_localcert', null),
    'local_key' => env('rabbitmq_ssl_localkey', null),
    'verify_peer' => env('rabbitmq_ssl_verify_peer', true),
    'passphrase' => env('rabbitmq_ssl_passphrase', null),


在 .env 中修改 queue_connection 为 rabbitmq ,并添加以下值


有两个值说明一下,因为是在 laradock 中,所以 rabbitmq_host 设置为 rabbitmq ;如果之前使用了laravel horizon,那么 rabbitmq_worker 的设置为 horizon 就可以了。

