In alert log , we can see:
PDB2(5):Dynamic CPU count change - Current effective cpu count = 8
PDB2(5):Recovery scanning directory /oraclebase/oradata/CDB/A96C665A2DE313D5E0531236D60AAB32/datafile/ for any matching files
PDB2(5):Markfordebug : kcvadc1 : 74, 0, 5642877, 0, 0, 1
PDB2(5):Flashback recovery: Added file #74 to control file as OFFLINE and 'UNNAMED00074'

SQL>  select FENUM, FECRC_SCN, CON_ID from x$kccfe where fenum=74;

     FENUM FECRC_SCN                CON_ID
---------- -------------------- ----------
        74 5642919                       5





