# !/usr/bin/env python
#  -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Author: Liye Zhu
# Date:2020.12.09   18:11
# Description: the input text is exported from chi760e with a select circle of CV, 6th circle, etc. Open the experiment
# raw data with chi760e,select 【File】->【Text file format】-> select starting and ending segments, and the export the
# data.

import tkinter as tk
from tkinter.filedialog import askopenfilename
from itertools import islice
import sys
import fileinput
import matplotlib.pylab as pylab
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
data_file_name= askopenfilename(title='Select a data', filetypes=[('TXT', '*.txt')],
data_file_path=data_file_name[0:data_file_name.rfind('/', 1) + 1];
new_dat= data_file_path + '/data.dat'
data = []
with open(data_file_name) as txtfile:
    line = txtfile.readlines()
    for i, rows in enumerate(line):
        if i in range(28, len(line) - 1):  # 指定数据行:28行--到最后一行
print("length", len(data))
E = np.zeros(len(data))
I = np.zeros(len(data))
E1 = np.zeros(len(data))
I1 = np.zeros(len(data))
E2 = np.zeros(len(data))
I2 = np.zeros(len(data))
j = 0
with open(new_dat, "w", ) as f:
    for i in range((len(data))):
        [variable1, variable2] = data[i].split(',', 1)
        E[i] = float(variable1)
        I[i] = float(variable2)
# Reference   http://www.360doc.com/content/19/0828/10/47812380_857519286.shtml
# Say thanks to the author of the docment.
# Calculate ECSA
# fig.suptitle('Hupd')  # 添加标题以便我们辨别
# 在0.2- 0.4V vs SCE 之间寻找电双层,经验值
for i in range((len(data))):
    if (E[i] < 0.4) & (E[i] > 0.2) & (I[i] > 0):
        E2[j] = E[i]
        I2[j] = I[i]
        j = j + 1
i0 = max(I2);
#选出氢区数据范围,经验值: 电势小于0.4, 电流大于0,也就是左上角区域。
for i in range((len(data))):
    if (E[i] < 0.4) & (I[i] > 0):
        E1[j] = E[i]
        I1[j] = I[i]
        j = j + 1
I10 = I1 - i0;  # 原始单位未变换,为 安培/A
#因测量误差等,扣除氢区最大电流值后,可能出现负值(非常接近0), 于是将所有负值归0.
for i in range((len(data))):
    if (I10[i] < 0):
        I10[i] = 0
# 消除坏点
I10[0] = 0;  # 消除初始坏点
QI0 = sum(I10) * 1 / 50;
# 求峰面积,Q = ΣI(t)dt, 数据间隔1mV,即dE=1mV,扫速为50mv/s,则 dt=1/50=0.02s,Q单位为库伦,
QI0 = QI0 * 1000;  # 单位转化为 毫库伦/mC
area = QI0 / 0.21;  # 单位为 cm2
str = "surface of Hupd is %f" % (area)
fig1 = plt.figure(figsize=(16, 10))  # 定义一个图像窗口
plt.plot(E1, I10, '.')  # 绘制曲线 y1
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.xlabel('E vs SCE')
plt.title("surface of Hupd is %f cm2" % (area))
plt.xlim(-0.3, 0.4)
# plt.ylim(520, -20)
